Friday, February 18, 2011

Nutrilite Protein Powder 200g

 Nutrilite Protein is a ‘complete protein’ which provides balanced amounts of essential and non-essential amino acids vital for maintenance and rebuilding of cells and tissues. It has a high protein content of 80% and provides a balanced supply of all nine essential amino acids. It also provides the added benefits of naturally occurring soy isoflavones, calcium and iron.

SKU #: 100142IDH
MRP: 859.00 INR

 * Product Description
The Protein for everyone. Provides at least 8gm of protein per 10 gram serving. Combination of high quality protein isolated from soy & milk Contains only 0.3gm/serve fat Has a BV = 81% and PER = 2.5 Is neutral tasting Contains Lactalbumin and Methionine derived from Milk Whey Is stable under high temperatures Contains Soy Lecithin Contains Soy Isoflavones Does not contain artificial sweeteners, colours or preservatives.

 * Benefits
High protein content, convenient usage Excellent source of ‘complete’ protein Low Fat, Low cholesterol protein source Compares favourably with Milk proteins Neutral tasting , hence Can be mixed with multiple food items Alternative source of protein for individuals with lactose intolerance Retains all its nutritional value when cooked with other food Has excellent dispersability making it easier to mix in beverages High quality, consistent protein Soy isoflavones may help reduce heart pr

 * Ingredients
Soy Protein Isolate, Milk Protein Concentrate, Soy Lecithin, Silicon Dioxide.

 * Use Instruction
Given its neutral taste, Nutrilite Protein Powder can be mixed with variety of food items like cereals, breads, cakes, biscuits, vegetables, salads, vegetable juices, soups, milk, fruit juices etc.

 * More Information
Serving Size: 10g Amount per serving Kilojoules 151KJ / 36 K cal Protein 8 g Carbohydrates 0.5 g Fat Content 0.3 g Calcium 70 mg Iron 1 mg Essential Amino acids per serving Isoleucine 408 mg Leucine 696 mg Ly

 * FAQ
What function does protein perform?

 Protein functions as a transporter, defends against diseases, and maintains fluid and electrolyte balance. Protein also makes up muscle and connective tissue, hormones, and the enzymes necessary for normal cellular function. Constructed from small molecules called amino acids.

 How much protein do we need each day?

 Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level. ICMR recommends the following protein intake for different life stages for Indian population:

Adults  1.0 gm/kg body weight/day

Children 1.5 gm/kg body weight/day

Pregnant/Lactating women 1.75 gm/kg body weight/day

 What’s PDCAAS?
It is a global standard established by WHO. With a score of 1.0 representing the highest score possible for a quality protein source.

Is Nutrilite Protein for everyone?

Being a lean and complete protein source, Nutrilite Protein Powder is an ideal supplement for the entire family.
People suffering from any medical ailment are recommended to consult their doctor.

More Info please call for free demo today +91 8019182418 or email me at

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